cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Monday, November 26, 2018

Hello, something very nice I think. Anyone know what these two stamps are or the source? Sorry, going into my collection. :-) Michael

Monday, November 19, 2018

Hello, well after a few days travelling including a stopover in Manila I am finally back home. Am still catching up on emails but did get my priorities right and pack and mail outstanding orders from the cddstamps shop. While at the Post Office I was shown some new stamps so thought I would share. Rather nice. I have one extra copy of this sheetlet so as a Christmas gift to someone --- the first email to me at with your mailing address -- I will send you this sheetlet .. enjoy your philately and if you have gaps in your collection perhaps you will enjoy visiting the cddstamps store at we just got over 10,000 positive feedbacks so must be doing something right :-) best wishes enjoy your philately Michael

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Hello, two more of the Royal Mail Christmas stamps. Easier to show the full stamp without a cancel this time. As you can see the design is centered around the Post Box. I recommend a read of this to enjoy more about this topic. Best Wishes Michael

Sunday, November 04, 2018

Hello again, here are the two 2nd Class Royal Mail Christmas stamps. If anyone wants to send me images of their country Christmas stamps I would be most pleased to see them, and even show on the blog for others to enjoy. Best wishes Michael

Friday, November 02, 2018

Hello,  welcome to November and the lead up to Christmas. Here in the UK Royal Mail have just released their Christmas stamps. A more acceptable design and composition in my humble view this year. A bit more traditional I think you might call them. Here is the 1st Class Large. I will show a few of the others over the coming days. I welcome readers sending me images of their Christmas stamps and I will share them and perhaps we can see how different countries portray Christmas this year. Michael

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