Hello, I saw a post somewhere showing a couple of Great Britain GV stamps. One was the 1½d Red Brown, SG 441 (Scott 212 ) This (see image shown) is from the 1934-36 definitive issue and it, along with some others in this issue, offers something interesting for collectors to look for. Well in my view anyway.
In addition to watermark differences (ie sideways, inverted and sideways inverted) there are also various colour shades and printing flaws and three “formats” to this stamp and the 1d Scarlet. (NB The ½d and 2d were printed in only two formats and all other values in one format) These are termed Large Format, Intermediate Format and Small Format. The sizing refers to the size of the design on the stamp.
The Large Format has a stamp design of 18.7 x 22.5 mm thus there is a very small white edge around the design. The Intermediate size is 18.4 x 22.2 mm and the Small format has a design of 17.9 c 21.7, thus a wider and more pronounced white edge around the stamp. This is also a simplified view because there are watermark varieties and various flaws. All in all, an interesting issue to collect and study.
I have one stamp missing from my GV 1934-36 definitive collection, one I have been searching for, on and off, for 20 years: the 1d Large Format inverted watermark in Used condition. It is not actually catalogued, as far as I can tell, and is reported to have only been used at two Post Offices in 1934.
I mention this because every time I see a 1d Scarlet I always check it - such a basic issue yet one stamp that eludes me. Check yours – it is worth a few Pounds!. A mint never hinged copy is catalogued at £175 for example
As for the 1½d shown, the Large format is catalogued at 60p used, the Intermediate at £2 used and the Small format at 50p used. That is assuming very fine condition of course, so not really of any value, but interesting to have in your collection.
Enjoy your philately. Michael cddstamps.com