cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Hello, I am finally making time to write. I hope you enjoy seeing these and perhaps learning something new, that is if you do not already know about the difference.

Issued in 1992 to commemorate the opening of the Sydney Harbour Tunnel.  A feat of engineering and one I lived through I might add. Certainly made my drive to work back then so much quicker.

Anyway, why two images? Well the top pair are SG 1375/76 and have a perforation of 14½ while the bottom pair are SG 1375b/76b with a perforation of 15½. The stamps were also printed se-tenant in horizontal pairs to form a composite design. Rather nice I think.

There is also an interesting catalogue value difference. Perf 14½ are catalogued at £3 each, while perf 15½ are catalogued at £1.90 each. Have you got both sets in your collection?

I mention that because, as you can already guess, I have a few copies of both sets available in my online shop, along with many other perforation differences, phosphors, self adhesives and imperfs from booklets to help you fill a few gaps in your collection. Please enjoy looking at    A great chance to fill a few gaps in your collection, especially for collectors of Australia stamps because I now have over 7700 in the shop, and at what I think are very competitive prices and nice quality.

Enjoy your stamps… Michael


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