cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Hello, yes I am back. I finally found a stamp to write about. Nothing special to many of you maybe, but I cannot find it in my new SG New Zealand catalogue.

Tarapex '86 is the inscription as you can see. I can find Tarapex 2008 and  '98  but nothing in 1986.

Why I wonder?  Am I being really dumb?  Don't answer that!  Surely someone can tell me.  A little gift of some New Zealand stamps to the first answer to if you send me your mailing address as well.

And for my NewZealand collectors I just finished loading more lovely NZ issues up to 1988 in my bidStart Store here    Nearly 3000 NZ lots to chose from.  Fill a few gaps in your collection at very competitive prices.

Best wishes.. Hope to hear from you



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