cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, March 13, 2015

Hello, Friday again and time for some writing. Another week passed me by so fast. I packed stamps orders but that was about it as far as philatelic activities went. Next week will be worse and then I am off overseas again on the Friday morning so apology if you don't hear much from me for a while.

Tonights stamp is one I saw at random in my stock - to be listed I might add in my bidStart Store - may do some this weekend if time permits - as have so much NZ stock to still list for you.

Interesting gentleman and quite an achiever I believe.

In 1871, the Directors of the Emigrants and Colonists Aid Corporation in Great Britain began to look at selecting a block of land in Australia or New Zealand so they could proceed with their proposed emigration scheme.  Feilding, a colonel at the time, and one of the Directors of the Corporation, was selected to travel to both Australia and New Zealand  to look for possibilities. During his trip his social standing gave him an entree to the people who mattered in government circles in both countries. 

After Australia was deemed unsuitable (really!!!)  he went to New Zealand  and eventually found  106,000 acre which was purchased for the then price of  £75,000 from the Wellington Provincial Government.  Nice little block eh!!!  That is about  £8 million in today’s money.

Anyway the stamp is SG 1237 and is catalogued at £0.20. Issued at a face value of 20c back in 1981.

Moral of the story. But land not stamps. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Have a great weekend,  and  to help you, just have a look at and perhaps find a few stamps to fill some of those gaps in your collection. Cheaper than land, of which I don’t have any to sell!!!!



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