cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Hi, Hope you like this cover tonight.  click image to see larger view then click back arrow - I wonder if you can name the games? These stamps were issued in 2004 to show the winning entries in a children's stamp design competition to show children's games.

I thought this would be nice gift  for someone, so I will take the 4th email  that tells me the correct games me at and please include your mailing address.

If you know children who collect stamps I have just finished consolidating all my duplicates and used stamps, some with light creases and missing perfs, into my Children's Corner box  (actually a rather large bag). Will email a packet of a handfull ( usually 50 to 100 stamps) if  you email me as above.

Have a wonderful weekend.

cddstamps - click the link,  just look and see if you can fill a gap or two in your collection form my Bidstart Store listings. Over 9500 stamps and I will be listing more over the coming weeks.  Sales do help me cover my costs for sending all the free stamps I send.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Hello, I have just finished writing the cddstamps June Newsletter. If you would like a copy just email me at and I will send you a copy.

I have a fine collection of early Rhodesia that I will listing in my  Bidstart Store over coming weeks, when I make the time!!  This, I think, is a lovely copy of just one of what will be 100's of Rhodesia stamps I will be listing .

I hope you enjoy seeing this one

Best wishes.... Michael

Monday, May 26, 2014

Hi, just a MS I picked up while in the UK last week. Thought you might enjoy seeing it.

Anyone seen a Very Fine Used copy,  I bet not :-)  

Michael    where in a few weeks you might find this listed, along with the se-tenant commemoratives, and more. I just need some time.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Hello, yes I am back in Hong Kong after a wonderful trip to the UK. And yes I did manage to get a few stamps. Tried my luck at a Postal Vending machine at London Heathrow Airport and got this booklet. .

Lovely Buckingham Palace stamps which are different from the regular commemorative issue of 6 Ist Class stamps.  I have those as well I might add, and handfranked, and will be listing in my Bidstart Store very shortly. Well that is when I get some time to catch up on emails and other things.
Oh!, and the Security Machins are 2014, code C. Very collectable I think.  Click image to see larger view.

Give me a week or two and I will get some of the new material listed in my  Bidstart Store. I tried a few Post Offices and only one had the recent Buckingham Palace issue and the Films issue commemoratives. I have them handfranked used. As I have said many times the new GB Commemoratives are getting harder and harder to find in used condition. Watch out for these in my Bidstart Store soon.

Enjoy your stamps.. Best wishes.. Michael

Monday, May 12, 2014

Hello, How is everyone? Good I hope.  I am very  pleased to tell you I have now just over 9600 items listed in my Bidstart Store. Some achievement over the past weeks I think.  And,  I am am sure there is something there to help you fill a few gaps in your collection. Especially if you are collecting Great Britain Machins.

I think these are a most interesting stamp because there are so many colours, perfs, printings, values, you name it, the list goes on and on. If you search "Machin" in my Store you will find them all. many hundreds, in fact nearly 1000. When you view you won't just see one of a value, you will often see two or more. That way I offer the chance to collect the copy that suits your collection I hope.

Of course you can just go to the Sales page at my website and select Security Machins as that link also brings up all the Machins, including, of course, all the security Machins. Or maybe you know the SG number of the stamp you need. Just type the SG number, for example X874, into the Search For field and up comes all the copies I have of that stamp. Or in teh case of the example above both the 2 Band and 1 Centre Band issues.

This may be my last post for a while  as I am travelling again, this time to London. Hope to get a few new issues and some new stock.  But, I have plenty of stock in the Store  to keep you busy while I am away. Please accept apology for slow mailing of orders over next 12 days.

Do check the blog, you never know, I may just be able to load a surprise competition with some new GB issues as prizes :-)

Best wishes and thanks for visiting the blog and my Stamp Store


Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Hello, Hope everyone well and that you like this stamp. Yes I know it is upside down. It is GV  inverted  watermark,  SG 455wi.  I have been sorting and cataloguing and listing more stock in my Bidstart Store   Actually been quite busy and enjoying the study. More to come as well.  If you are looking to fill a gap or two in your collection there are now over 9200 items listed. Including additional  material from Fiji, Australia, Hong Kong, some stunning high value items I found in my stock, and which I can personally vouch for the quality and postmarks  as I posted them to myself on some parcels I had to send,  and GB, New Zealand and Ireland.  Yes I have been busy. Well about time too eh!!!!

Hope you enjoy looking. As you may know, you can easily search for the stamp you are looking for by typing the SG number, 1234,  into the "Search Store For"  field.

Best wishes.. enjoy your stamps.   Michael

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