cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Isle of man tonight. This past week I have had an hour or two in the evening and my relaxation has been to look at many Isle of man stamps I collected years ago.  All of them unopened from when I received them and since I had looked after them they are Post Office fresh, so to speak.  You can view more here if you like.  Maybe even fill a few gaps in your collection :-)

One thing that did surprise me was the high catalogue value these Isle of Man stamps have. Although as we know these can be thought to be inflated somewhat, all the same they are higher than I expected. Stamps are from 1985 through to 2006.

Some very nice issues I thought.

Have a great weekend... Michael

PS click the image to see larger and more detailed picture.


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