cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hello, tonight a page from my album. some thing different but there is a reason for showing this. But first thanks for all your emails and comments to my recent blogs. Seems I have finally provoked people to write, and good points made by all. I always learn something from your feedback. As for this page - well I decided some time ago to start studying the Security Machins. Makes for interesting study in my humble view. Actually many variations even within what is supposedly the same stamp issue / printing. For more go to my web page at cddstamps and click GB Security Machins and also look at the Special Lots 3. However, the real reason I am showing this is because you will see the stamps are all on piece. That is, I have not tried to "soak" them from the envelope. These stamps have a non soluable gum I beleiev and the stamps of course are designed to be damaged with the eliptical slits breaking away if there is an attempt to remove the stamp from the envelope (as in to re-use it if it is not franked) I have read that it is possible to "soak", to remove from the envelope, but I do not recommend it. keep the stamp on peice and you will not damage it. Now if only I could learn how to scan the stamps to show the code. I have been told and I tried but I can never achieve it. Tell me again or suggest another way. If anyone can do it, please tell me. If you want any Codes of these stamps drop me a line, or better still visit the web site home page. Best wishes......... Michael

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hi, More on Royal Mail. Seems I cannot get enough of them!!! A friend of mine in England kindly collects the stamps from the office mail. Lots to sort through and mostly Machins, actually these days 100% Machins. In the last packet I received this week, of some 400 stamps, not one GB Commemorative stamp. Pretty sad eh!! and a sign that used GB Commemoratives, as I have said many many times, will have good value in the future. If cleanly franked. Read on. So, what about cleanly franked. What about the scan above. Seems Royal mail are not satisfied in gouging collectors by issuing far too many commemoratives. They have now decided that even though they have non soluble gummed, security printed Machins, they want to stop the hobbist from collecting used Machins by this disgraceful postmark which obliterates the image on the stamp. Yes I think it is deplorable but typical of Royal Mail's attitude these days. Second, I think it is defacing the image of Her Majesty the Queen and something should be done to stop that. I believe it is a offense to deface her image. Is it not? someone will know. This is not just some unlucky positioning of the stamp and franking. No the stamp placed in the top right hand corner, as it should be, is, through the franking machine, defaced by just a franking the extends just the size of the stamp. Not the more common wavy lines and boring advertising slogans we are used to seeing. See the image below and you will see what I mean. And, were these odd cases? No, some 10% of the stamps were franked like this. We love you Royal mail. NOT!!
Hope you can find a way to continue enjoying your collecting. Michael

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hello, got home tonight to find some mail waiting for me. What a lovely surprise. NOT!!!. Don't you just hate Royal mail postal workers. Is this incompetence, deliberate malicious behaviour, or just plain downright deliberate rudeness by the person who deliberately scrawled a pen across the stamps rather frank them. I am sick and tired of these Bas&&&ards if I could only get a message to Royal Mail about their people I would. I have just got an imaginary toy car and smashed it to pieces as a voodoo car, hoping it happens to the Royal Mail workers car who did this .. maybe someone will scratch the side of his or her car. I am not a vindictive person but quite frankly in the past two years of receiving larger mail items from the UK this has become the norm. Michael

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hi, started reading the Royal Mail brochure I received yesterday. It is describing the Team GB Gold Medal Winners stamp issue, for the 2012 Olympics. Basically Royal Mail will issue, over night after a GB gold medal win, a Miniature sheet. example above. Stamps will be on sale by noon the following day. I remember Australia Post doing same in 2000 and somehow I managed to get the complete issue. Pricey I think but manageable. Fpor Royal mail the catch is the price. Well it seems a lot to me. For example, if Great Britain win 19 golds the cost of the MS alone is £61.56. Now that is not small potatoes is it?. For a few stamps.. or 6 of the same of each winner. If you want a FDC with MS that will be £82.08. Now in Hong Kong dollars that is $760 and $1013 respectively. My yearly subscription for two copies of all HK issues is not $700 HK. Think I might miss this Royal Mail issue. What will you do? I am interested to hear from anyone who will be subscribing to the Royal Mail Issue service. Why? Best answer will win a nice set of recent Hong Kong Commemorative stamps.:-) Michael

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hello, Hope you like this cover. Happier times for United than the recent loss on goal difference in the English Premier League to City. Any team that has Tevez playing for them doesn't deserve to win in my humble opinion. That should spark outrage from someone hahahahha Anyway United didn't deserve to win did they. How can you be 8 points clear and then lose the title. Never happened in my day :-) Enjoy your stamps and don't take life too seriously :-) Michael

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hello, am in Sydney Australia this week and enjoying the sunshine, although actually I am working. Nothing better to be sitting in the sun on conference calls :-) still working right!!! Also, having a chance to catch up on mail from my PO Box. Found the brochure from the Royal mail announcing the new Definitives. How can I get these used I wonder. Nice used please, if you want to sue these on a letter to me I would be so happy. anyone want to write to me, maybe we can exchange, I can send you something from Hong Kong - maybe some nice recent miniature sheets? email me at if interested have a great week.. Michael

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Hello, found this a few minutes ago. This one for Adrian. I have no idea if it is common or not but thought I'd show it anyway.Drop me a line at if it is worth hanging on to or it goes in my Childrens Corner. Michael

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Hello, managed to find time to collect the new Hong Kong issue today. Hope you like the M/S Hongkong Post and La Poste jointly issue a set of four stamps on art to showcase vintage paintings and contemporary sculptures from Hong Kong, China and from France, reflecting their rich heritage of art. The two paintings, both works of the 19th century, employed a similar colour scheme with realistic rendering and drawing materials originating from the West, whereas the two sculptures, created in the 20th century, were both inspired by animals. Hong Post say this joint stamp issue demonstrates the great passion for art that Hong Kong, China and France share, and showcases the cultural treasures of the two places. You can read more about this issue at Joint Issue Enjoy …... Michael

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