cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hello, got home tonight to find some mail waiting for me. What a lovely surprise. NOT!!!. Don't you just hate Royal mail postal workers. Is this incompetence, deliberate malicious behaviour, or just plain downright deliberate rudeness by the person who deliberately scrawled a pen across the stamps rather frank them. I am sick and tired of these Bas&&&ards if I could only get a message to Royal Mail about their people I would. I have just got an imaginary toy car and smashed it to pieces as a voodoo car, hoping it happens to the Royal Mail workers car who did this .. maybe someone will scratch the side of his or her car. I am not a vindictive person but quite frankly in the past two years of receiving larger mail items from the UK this has become the norm. Michael


At 8:04 AM, Blogger Machin Man said...

I often get large letters unfranked from the UK. fortunately for me these are not obliterared with a pen, so i can reuse them on outgoing mail back in the UK. 9when I am there)

Just a thought Michael, these may have been scribbled on at the receiving end (ie: Australia) its not uncommon for this to happen.

At 8:05 AM, Blogger Machin Man said...

I often get large letters unfranked from the UK. fortunately for me these are not obliterared with a pen, so i can reuse them on outgoing mail back in the UK. 9when I am there)

Just a thought Michael, these may have been scribbled on at the receiving end (ie: Australia) its not uncommon for this to happen.

At 11:23 AM, Blogger Geezer38 said...

I think your comments are a bit extreme , although I do understand your sentiments. I also think the sender is partially to blame as there is a simple way of ensuring you get clear CDS cancellation on your items- If you underpay by a couple of pence an take to a post office they will apply a postage label and cancel the stamps using the counter CDS - works every time for me!


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