cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hello, to add to the celebrations of the IPDA's 10th Anniversary here is a picture I took today.

First 3 correct answers will win a Mint Miniature sheet of the Hong Kong 100 Years of Aviation

where is this place, Lamma Post Office.. real easy with google eh..maybe !!!!!!!!!!!! and tell me something about it please...

Entries must include your mailing address

Best wishes .. Michael

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Congratulations to the IPDA on your 10 year anniversary

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hello, have I told you about my Security Machin Display? If not then perhaps you might enjoy looking at Security Machins

This is a Frame (16 pages) I submitted to the Great Britain Philatelic Society January Exhibition.

I certainly enjoyed the research and in fact am continuing with it, and looking forward to seeing new issues in 2012. If you collect Machins and would like to add this material to your collection please have a look at cddstamps home page where I have a special offer of one of each of these Security Machin - issued to the end of 2011. (a few very difficult one are excluded but the selection is largely complete and, if you write to me I will send you a complete listing of what is included in my special offer and when I send to you each stamp will be clearly identified for you.

Have a great weekend, Best wishes.. Michael

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day. still opening all my mail and enjoying all the stamps from the envelopes received. Thanks everyone :-)


Friday, February 10, 2012

Are you a member? If you sell on the internet and believe in accurate quality descriptions and honesty you should be. Your customers expect that from you. So many sellers competing and many just selling rubbish, poorly and inaccurately described, that the buyer who is not that well informed is wasting their money.

Join the IPDA and help promote our values and ethics so buyers choose IPDA sellers with confidence.

Michael IPDA Director, Newsletter Editor and Publicity Officer.

write to me at or visit our website at IPDA

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Hello, tomorrow, as I write, it is Ground Hog day. Does that mean much? Surely you saw the film. Ok maybe not. I tried to find a stamp to reflect the day but the same one kept reappearing hahahahahahahah.... This from a sheet of stamps issued on back in 1987 by the US Postal Service. Issued to commemorating wildlife of North America.

And, in case you do not know, in the United States (where else!!!) February 2nd is celebrated as Groundhog Day. It has something to do with some folklore that says if a groundhog awakes from his, or hers I presume, hibernating slumber and sees their shadow, there will be 6 more weeks of winter weather. Of course in the film, Ground Hog day was interpreted to mean whatever happens on the 2nd will keep happening, day after day for how long I forget but 6 weeks seems long enough. :-)

I do hope that does not apply in Hong Kong because it is still too cold here for my liking.

best wishes.. Michael

PS please don't forget to have a look at my auction lots on user name michaelatcddstamps I guarantee they will be sold and disappear after the next few days :-)

Click to zoom in on my visitor map!
Click to zoom in on my visitor map!