cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, December 23, 2011

IPDA 10 year anniversary

On the 23rd February 2012 the Internet Philatelic Dealers Association commemorates its 10th Anniversary. We will be issuing a special Anniversary Cover to members and holding a 24 hour chat for all in the philatelic community. Details can be found on our website at IPDA

The IPDA was formed in 2002 by a group of stamp dealers who had a vision that the internet, and web based services including online e-commerce and online auctions, would fundamentally change the philatelic industry.

The vision that the internet would impact dealers and sellers of stamps, as well as collectors, has turned out to be a reality today.

While there are thousands of sellers across the various internet channels today and while many are professional dealers, there are also many that are casual sellers and many that are simply individuals with a few stamps to sell and often with limited knowledge of the subject material they are selling.

The IPDA is now a group of dealers and part time sellers who believe there is a need for a global organisation to represent them and to endorse them as accredited sellers to the global internet buying community.

The IPDA believes, and has seen proof, that the reach of the internet will expand the market place.

Membership of the IPDA offers a dealer or part time seller the opportunity to be accredited, and it offers buyers some security that the dealers or sellers they are buying from are accredited.

The services provided to members are under constant review. New services are added as and when required. Some of our current services are:-

Monthly Newsletter.

The Web Site at IPDA
Chat Room IPDA Chatroom accessed from our Web Site. It is open 24/7.

Confidential List — The List records the names and addresses of individuals / businesses who have been reported for using unethical or fraudulent practices.

The IPDA is an affiliated chapter of the American Philatelic Society (APS) APS

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Something I picked up while wandering around.. not a Christmas issue but the fireworks made me think of Christmas for some reason. Very Macau, which is very colourful at night as you will know if you have been there.

Best wishes.... Michael

Monday, December 05, 2011

Thought I would tell you about the Australian Stamp Catalogue website. Worth looking at if you want details on Australia issues Australian Stamp Catalogue

Excellent coverage from Colonial issues through Official, Kangaroos, George V, Predecimal, Decimal and then 200 onwards. Still some to list but my mate Larry is working away to build this great site.

Enjoy.. Michael

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Hello, The reason I have this is because I met up with one of my fellow Internet Philatelic Dealers Association (IPDA) Directors when I was in Las Vegas a week ago and he gave me this cover. Very kind of him. Something for me to add to the memories from my visit to Nevada.

If you have never been I recommend a trip, apart from some fun in Las Vegas, the helicopter ride over the dam and on into the Grand Canyon is well worth it.

Best wishes ........... Michael

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