cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hello, hope you like this cover. I do. I have an affinity for Korea having worked there for a year, so when I saw this in the Post Office hear in Sydney the other day I thought I'd get a copy.

This cover marks the Year of Friendship and the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Australia and Korea. the relationship was forged during the Korean war when Australian troops supported South Korea after the North Korean invasion. The stamps represent traditional musical instruments of Australia and the Republic of Korea. The haegeum is a two stringed vertical instrument dating back to the Goryeo dynasty (912-1392). The didgeridoo is a wind instrument that originated in northern Australia at least 1500 years ago.

Enjoy.. ...Michael

Friday, November 18, 2011

Hello, I am in Australia now and found this Miniature Sheet (above shown on First Day of Issue cover) at the local Post Office. Rather nice. It follows on my 11.11.11 theme. I decided I would give one of the MS away. I have not had a competition for some time now. So first correct answer - email me at and you must include your mailing address please.

What is wrong with this cover that Australia Post really screwed up on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well in my view .... hahahah think about it

Look forward to hearing from you Best wishes......... Michael

here is the MS you will win..

Sunday, November 13, 2011

How many of you remembered to get the postmark for 11_11_11. Here is one of them from a few I got.

Best wishes ...Michael

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Hope you like this cover. Interesting I thought. I picked it up at Beijing Airport a few weeks back Yes, sorry not written much lately but I have updated the

Can you tell me what is interesting about this.. well in my view anyway.

It was issued to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of the founding of the Communist party of China. and is one of nine specially issued covers.

Best wishes .. Michael

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