cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hello, no time for stamps this past week or so but I did pick this up from the Post Office today. I hope you like it.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Hello, I hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend.

Something I think you might like to see. I cannot scan the complete sheet as it is too large for the scanner. It is unused no gum. Nice piece ??? It is yours if you are willing to pay my postage and don't mind me folding it so it fits a reasonable size envelope. If interested just email me at First in gets it.

Best wishes... Michael

Friday, April 08, 2011

Hi! I hope everyone had a good week and you all have a great weekend ahead of you. One way to make it a great weekend is to bid on one of my auction lots and get some really good quality stamps at a stupidly cheap price. Yeah sure you say! Well read my older posts to get a perspective, and, oh you don't normally buy from auction, and you don't have Paypal. Ok1 I understand that. If you are first time buyer then try Western Union to me. Just email me for details.

Just for the record I am not selling to make money, so to speak. If I sell everything I have listed on ebay and bidstart I will still not cover the postage costs for the free stamps I have mailed over the past two months. But hey!! I would like to cover some of those costs.

For eBay just search me at michaelatcddstamps, where my lots start at US $0.99 inclusive of postage and at Bidstart have a look at Bidstart - my username is michaelatcddstamps and my lots start at US $0.65 including postage. Have a look at my previous writings and you will see what I am compared to or just browse listings on Bidstart ofr price comparison.

Mostly GB and Australia listed. Please have a look. The prices are to help me clear some duplicate stock and cover the costs of my free mailings - excellent quality as you can always expect from me.

As I said..... have a great weekend and please make me busy next week mailing your winning lots to you.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Danger Will Robinson, Danger Will Robinson.... that expression always comes to mind when I look through an auction site, and especially now that I have listed many items.

It is always useful to see what other sellers are listing. Actually it is quite disturbing. I only hope buyers are aware of what they are seeing.

Yes I know I am promoting my lots but hey you got to give a fella a fair chance. You want to pay 3 dollars postage and get a damaged stamp. Don't bid on my lots would be my advice!!!! I only ask minimum bid of US $0.65c and free postage.

Enjoy these stamps. They could be yours for a fee plus maybe 3 dollars postage, instead of the quality I am listing. Why am I saying this? because I care that unsuspecting buyers are being conned and that people with no credentials can, it is a free world I know, in this day and age take advantage of the unsuspecting buyers.

If you want some GB Machins have a look at my website ... cddstamps

or read the previous article and check out my listings at Bidstart or eBay - I am Michaelatcddstamps in case you didn't already know.

Enjoy your stamps.. Michael

Sunday, April 03, 2011

AUCTION Specials - I've spent a few hours listing on Bidstart - my username is michaelatcddstamps maybe the link works to take you directly to my listings

All bids start at US $0.65 and there is no extra postage and packing charge. Mostly GB and Australia listed. Please have a look. The prices are to help me clear some duplicate stock - excellent quality as you can always expect from me.

I'll be listing more over the next few days. Enjoy looking Best wishes ... Michael

Saturday, April 02, 2011

A new issue from Hong Kong today, well the MS anyway. Certainly different design, The stamp on this MS is the heart. Timed to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers, this special stamp issue in 2011 pays tribute to volunteers of all ages. The first-ever heart-shaped stamp in the stamp sheetlet is the perfect recognition of the spirit of selfless love shown by volunteers.

Nice touch I thought.

Best wishes Michael

Friday, April 01, 2011

Hello, sorry been off line for so long but work is rather time consuming these days. I have some stamps given by a dealer friend - this is part scan of a full sheet. free to first email to

I am assuming if you reply then butterflies are an interest of yours. I cannot scan the whole sheet as it is too large for the scanner. and it is mint no gum and a bit grubby on the back, but hey if this interests you, it is yours. I even pay postage. one day someone will do something nice for me I hope :-) hahahahahha

have a great weekend.. write me if there is a topic you want me to research and write about. Sadly I don't have the time I would like for research and writing and feel writers block to often these days, so all ideas welcomed and will help motivate me.

Have a great weekend ............. Michael

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