cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hello, yes been difficult to find time to write but I promised myself I would tonight.
I was in Australia at the weekend and got these. Nice. Similar to the Royal Mail(GB) issue in 1997. Don't you think. Plagiarism is the kindest form of flattery I think. Your thoughts??? first 5 emails will win a set (used) of the GB issue... email your address to me at

Best wishes... Michael

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hello, I don't like being so busy that I have no time for stamps. My relaxation and stress therapy. But, I did at last find some time today to do three philatelic activities.

One was to collect my mail from the local Post Office - a copy of the new Hong Kong Post Centenary of Powered flight in Hong Kong MS. Very nice as well. Sadly it was sold out by end of first day of issue so I was unable to get the extra copies I wanted.

Second, I packed up a few envelopes of stamps for my Childrens Corner. If you know of children who are starting to collect or looking to add more to their collection get them to write to me at Free stamps are theirs. I pay all mailing charges.

Third, I had a look at a website I sponsor - no not self promotion but one I think you should bookmark if you are interested in Australia stamps. Enormous amount of work has gone into this site by the owner, my friend Larry. Have a look at Australian Stamp Catalogue

have a great weekend............. Michael

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hello, On 18th March Hong Kong Post will issue a commemorative set for the Centenary of Powered Flight in Hong Kong. I am offering this free - for details have a look at my web site cddstamps.

Betst wishes.. Michael

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Blocks................... world mix, lots the same, lots of duplicates different size blocks, lots (that is 100's of stamps) I have so many after a recent sorting and I have no use for them and I think surely someone might be interested in an eclectic mix of stamps. I have no idea how to even begin to start describing them, so I won't. If you like a gamble and are prepared to put US $5 into my Paypal account ( to cover my postage costs I will send to you. I only ask postage because over the past month my postage of free stamps has been greater than my sales...ooops far greater.

My 1000 world mix is also unsold.. so I will reduce that to US $15. Actually I think there are close 1200 stamps there. ( see previous post) I see kiloware lots of 200 stamps for more than this..

enjoy your stamps.... best wishes ......... Michael

Sunday, March 06, 2011

My day today, busy and relaxing. Since I have so many - GB Commoratives from about 1960 onwards. I will give a few away, first three emails to with your mailing address and I'll send a selection. Will include some Christmas, used condition or better but no damaged, I think I have thrown all those out.

Best wishes.. Michael

Saturday, March 05, 2011

ok so no one wants all those world mix :-( no problem. was it not a good offer?

today I finally have some time to relax and thought I'd show this block. I have quite a few courtesy of the friend I met here for dinner a few weeks ago, a stamp dealer I think I told you about. I have read that blocks are very collectable and I have to say the condition of these is pretty good. Anyone have any idea about value or interest of such material.

Best wishes and have a great weekend .... Michael

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