cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Thanks to my wonderful friend in the UK I received these in the mail. A rather interesting MS. It is made up of four new stamps (1st, 60p, 88p and 97p) featuring Thunderbirds 1 to 4. The sheet is printed using microlenticular technology so that when tilted the stamps show each vehicle’s launch sequence. The outer space monitoring station Thunderbird 5 is shown in the border. Now how many will be used on postal mail. NONE is the answer. If you haven't seen the MS in real life, what you won't know is that it is like a piece of think hard card and I cannot see anyone breaking it apart for postal usage. Prove me wrong?? :-) Nice money earner for Royal Mail though. Well done Royal Mail :-)


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