cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Australia World Heritage issue May 25th

Hello, am back in Sydney for the weekend and catching up on some stamp related mail. This from the current Australia Post Stamp Bulletin. Rather nice I thought. As for future mailings, well, for a while these are likely to be few and far between due my work in Hong Kong and really no access to my stamps and, at least at the moment, a scanner. I'll be back writing as soon as I can

Best wishes... Michael

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Hello, yes been away and with no time to write. Hope you will still visit occasionally. I am working in Hong Kong and while I will try to write I find my work is now my first priority. If anyone wants to be a guest write please email me at although I do appreciate there are so many stamp blogs out there these days I wonder how many blogs get read at all.

But to stamps. I came back to Sydney for the Easter weekend and was clearing out an old brief case I will use when I go back in a few days time. I found this. I bought it to show you, my readers.. see the date!!!!!!! Lost but found. Like I always say, I get round to everything in the end.

As for other stamp news.... the London Festival of Stamps 2010 is probably the hot topic at the moment. I wont be writing about it because there are guys out there far better qualified and knowledgeable than me. If this is a topic / stamp issue that interests you I highly recommend Ian Billings, Norvic Philatelics blog

Have a wonderful Easter weekend, Best wishes..... Michael

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