GB Royal Mail - Royalty issue - Part II

Let’s talk stamps first. The other day I showed the new Royal Mail issue – Royalty and Heritage – which is being issued to celebrate the Monarchy through the ages.
Today I look at the Henry V issue. Now I guess this is going to come as no surprise to you is it J
Above is the GB Royal Mail stamp and the Barbuda stamp issued as part of the Kings and Queens of England set I mentioned the other day. Sorry for poor picture but best I can find.
Of course Barbuda is not the only country to have issued Kings and Queens stamps. If you have a catalogue have a look at the Cayman Islands. In February 2000 they issued a M/S of 6 to commemorate British Monarchs, as did St Helena, the British Virgin Islands and the Falklands. Maybe more, I only know of those.
Also, I have seen Kings and Queens issues from Umm Al Qiwan – more like Cinderellas in my view . So, the next question I pose is, who can tell me the design of the next 30 stamps from Royal Mail? Still thinking eh!!! Well have a look at and I think you will see an advance copy J You will see I have put a bid in. If you outbid me I cannot offer these as a prize. But by all means don’t let me stop you from bidding. I used to have these stamps but I gave them away or sold them, I forget which, some years ago.
I am not knocking the Royal Mail issue, although I do think the situation could be used to suggest the Royal Mail are just issuing stamps to raise revenue, just as the other countries I mentioned above have done. With Royal Mail, they haven’t gone to much trouble to hid the fact they are using the same images. Certainly not a lot of creative design work went into this first issue. And, we have 5 more issues to look forward to.
Ok, What else is new. Well I started a new job on Friday and will be traveling a fair bit over the next few months. I will be working in Seoul and commuting to Sydney occasionally, in between making side trips to London and San Francisco before the end of March. Why am I telling you this you may ask? Well because I will not be writing as often as I would like to be over the coming months. And if I do write the chances of showing images of stamps will be reduced as I won’t have a scanner - at least for the first few months while in Seoul.
However, I do hope you keep checking the blog on a regular basis. I would like to keep a strong following to the blog – now over 20,000 page views a month – so would like to invite anyone who would like to contribute a guest article – or series of pieces – to do so.. just email me the text and any pictures in .gif or .jpeg format to
I’ll try and write later next week, as I am in Perth starting tomorrow.
Enjoy your stamps, Best wishes. Michael