less of the frivolity...back to stamps ...
Hello everyone, I have enjoyed the pieces people have sent me on the "big things".. I think I could write for a week just on those.. but I did digress from stamps didn't I.... so back to stamps...
When I first started this blog I did a "red robin".. a selection of GB stamps..all red, which went around the world and people took what they needed.. I found the remains of that red robin tonight.. I was sorting through a stack of material.. something to relax my mind and stop thinking about work. I found this one and thought I'd offer it to you... it is a space filler in my view.. you will no doubt see these for sale at various auction sites.. as used, or good used.. not so..

Look carefully and you will see some missing perfs along the bottom, and a scratch on the left of the stamp ..... also there is some thinning on the back..actually quite minor... but still a quite nice copy all the same, but I would only pass it on as a space filler. This is SG 416 catalogued at about £110, so all the more reason to have in your collection.
This is from the 1913 - 1934 recess printed issue,designed by Betram Mckennal. This copy was printed by Bradbury Wilkinson who actually took over the printing contract from what printer and in what year?
I will give this copy away to whoever can tell me the printer and the year........
If I get more than 1 entry by 18:00 Thursday night my time I will draw a winner..other wise it is first reply by Thursday wins ( I am away again Friday so probably won't have much time to access emails and stamps)
I know I don't have much time for stamps these days but believe it or not I do have quite a box full of covers and miscellanous material that I thought I might put into a round robin - would anyone be seriously interested if I was to start something.. rule being you take three items of your choice and replace with any modern 2004 onwards ...only GB fine used commemoratives... that are for me and only me.. you have to agree to this, so if you cannot put one or two or three ( or more if you want to match my generosity )modern GB commemoratives in, please do not ask to be included. Also depending on where you get to be in the circulation you may have a few dollars in postage costs to send on the material I send, so please be aware and prepared to pay onward postage. Of course by being in the round robin you will also get some nice stamps, we hope, from the sender..
Anyway.. if you enter for this GB GV high value competition please include your mailing address with your entry.. it does make my life easier if you win.. and it you want to join an electic mystery round robin just drop me an email - cddstamps@gmail.com
Best wishes.... enjoy your stamps..... Michael
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