Some PNG tonight
Hello, .. has the weekend been as hot for you as it has been here? Lovely weather we are having.. my tan is stunning :-)
But stamps.. well I was packing some to send this weekend and found this Papua New Guinea presentation pack for the 1978 issue commemorating the Police Force. Anyone interested in this let me know and by mid week I will randomly select a name and mail these to you.. fine unmouned mint of course in the presentation sleeve they were issued in. Just email me at
A nice addition to your collection maybe.

I also went to my PO Box today and found a copy of the Royal Mail ( GB) Collection booklet for 2006. a rather nice publication. Have you been sent a copy I wonder. If you dont subscribe to the Royal mail issues I doubt you will see one.. and to be honest I am keeping Royal Mail items as "collector" item and research material for future years. A reasonably simple yet comprehensive guide to the isseus of 2006.... and were there a few of them.. awesome total cost if one was to buy one of everything advertised.. would have me broke that is for usre.
Talking about being broke... I still have a few special packets left.. and I am sending extra FDCs so check out of you want some extra stamps and FDCs for Christmas presents.
Hope you had a great weekend.. Enjoy your stamps........... Michael
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