famous people on stamps
Hello, well thank you all for your emails in follow up to my piece last night.... you all know so much.. and I learn so much.. and isn't that something that is so wonderful about stamp collecting..
No one had any stamps showing DH Lawrence - The author of Lady Chatterleys Lover.. I assume most of you worked that out... I had a some stamps showing Richard Burton; thanks to those who sent links and references.. This is quite nice...thanks Jose...

There is also a link here, stamps from Somalia.. I have never seen stamps from there.. anyone have any ???? http://www.coolstamps.com/som9904co-6stars-male.jpg Not sure I ever saw Richard Burton with hair like that .. but then I didn't know him that well.. ha ha .. name the other 5 actors and be first to email me and I'll send a lovely FDC as a prize. email me at cddstamps@gmail.com
Some other interesting birthdays this past week I thought I'd share with you, and many thanks to Jill for this information............There was some publicity around this week for Joan Sutherland, celebrating her 80th birthday on 7th November (Cup Day). Australia Post finally recognised her as an Australian Legend in 2004 with a couple of stamps. Pierrette Alarie, a Canadian soprano, celebrated her birthday on November 9th. She and her late husband (Leopold Simeneau) appeared on one of Canada's recent opera stamps, issued on October 17th. November 12th is the birthday of Grace Kelly and Nadia Comaneci, both of whom have appeared on several stamps. Mongolia SG 1005 (1976) shows Nadia Comaneci. Of course Grace first appeared on stamps when she married Prince Ranier of Monaco in 1956. The US brought out an attractive stamp of her in 1993 (SG 2778).
How interesting can stamp collecting be I ask myself.. yes there is more to life than just my Downey Heads .
So finally, I have to ask .......... have you read my Christmas Competition questions..... go on have a look ...... http://www.cddstamps.com and click on Competition in the navigation bar on the left of the page... enjoy..... I did, writing the questions.. and if you enter, even if I dont get your entry much before 25th December - the closing date - I will send you a cddstamps Christmas card.. surely a collectors item
Ok time for bed.... might not sleep much tonight though.. air con is not working and temperature must be 30 something .. yeah I know, you feel sorry for me
enjoy your stamps and have a great weekend.............. Michael
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