cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, August 07, 2015

Ok let's not talk about the cricket, or at least the Australian score so far. I checked the news last night and was confused when I say England none for 13 before lunch.. then I saw the rest. I will use my UK passport next weekend with pride when I go to the Word Stamp Exhibition in Singapore smile emoticon
But to stamps. I am sorting more Barbados for my Bidstart Store. Early QE II. Hope you like the one I am showing. If it is missing from your collection it should be in the store by tomorrow evening. SG 300 and MH as I hope you can see from the image. Plenty more as well. Even a VFU copy as I recall.
TGIF, have a great weekend. Michael and Bidtstart store from this link just scroll down and click on Barbados


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