cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hello, Sunday evening here and something very different. I went to the Interasia Auction in Hong Kong today. Spent a few hours watching the China stamp scene. Some amazing prices I must say. Lots  with min to max bid expectation of 4000 - 5000 HK$ fetching 80000 to 900000 HK$.

I left before the 1968 Directive of Chairman Mao lots were auctioned but on the way home went for a walk around one of the market streets and saw an old collection of China stamps in a presentation booklet. Asked how much and the old lady showed me 500 HK $ on her calculator. I said no, wasn't thinking that much and offered 100. She said yes. Inside was this strip. Albeit CTO but in stunning condition. I have no idea if it is worth anything but it is just nice to have anyway.  Nice souvenir. Click to enlarge to better see these lovely stamps.

A mint unhinged stripped could go for over 25000 HK $.  I must have a look at the prices realised when they come through.

Enjoy your stamps.... Michael


At 8:13 AM, Blogger Goodwin said...

I'm quite fascinated by these. Are they really CTO or is the "cancellation" part of the printing? It looks like the "cancellations" are different on each stamp? The stamps don't seem to have values on them. Are they Cinderellas?


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