cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Well here we are; last evening of 2022.  Very best wishes to all for 2023 and lets all hope it continues to get better for us all.

There are plenty of exciting things we can expect to see on the philatelic scene in 2023. I wont mention  any for fear of missing another.  Each of us will get our own specials I am sure.  

Mine this coming year will be constant flaws on stamps showing aircraft, to add to my collection.   Do write to me if you know of  some.  I certainly do not know of all of them   far from it.

Stay safe and good health  to everyone.  Time for a nap before midnight although the fireworks have already started here,  even with 4 hours to go  :-)  

Happy New Year     Michael   cddstamps     email me  at  


Sunday, December 25, 2022

Hello,  We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and we wish you all a brilliant 2023.    

Do you collect North Borneo?  Why not  fill a few gaps in your collection --  

Why not treat yourself to a new North Borneo stamp or two, or three or more; enjoy looking at over 750 North Borneo stamps from 1897 to 1957 -- 25% off the value of North Borneo stamps purchased when you spend $25 or more. 

We look forward to seeing you in the store. Please remember, we pack all Mint stamps in black mounts to protect the stamp, we fully described the stamps especially with perf details where there are many perf differences, we do not enhance the colour or brightness of the image of the stamp, we show images of the reverse of the stamp, we include both Scott and SG catalog numbers -  yes, you can buy with confidence from cddstamps. 

visit us here and if that link does not work  - don't ask me why... it just might not :-) we are cddstamps on the first page of Stores at  here  

Happy New Year   Michael and the cddstamps team 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Hello,  welcome to cddstamps.  so much to write about because I have been slack in not writing sooner.

No excuse other than I don't seem to be able to keep up with all my projects these days.

How about these four stamps for example?   What do you think? I am writing about these -- watch this space; more to come on this topic. PS  nothing to do with the colours -  that is just bad scanning of the originals.

And one  piece of  very "just happened" news -- There is a new philatelic Forum. it is the Ted Talks Stamps Forum.  It would be so good to see you visit and  join us in a new forum where we look forward to  healthy, constructive, informative, educational and yes even humourous comments and discussion.  It is free  so just click here and register

 Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and holiday season  see you in the TTS forum


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