cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Tuesday, February 01, 2022

 Hello, when I first introduced Labuan I mentioned Japan occupied the island during WW II so I thought fitting to complete the Labuan topic and show one stamp issued during the occupation. This can be a very pricey collecting area I might add.

The whole of North Borneo had been occupied by January 1942 and that meant Brunei, North Borneo itself, Sarawak and Labuan were administered as a single territory by the Japanese, and as such the stamps of North Borneo were used with a Japanese overprint, as in the example above

From  1944 contemporary stamps of Japan were used for the single territory with an overprint as in the two examples below.

Enjoy your stamps and all they bring us.         Michael

and  with thanks to my friend at  British Commonwealth Album  here   -  and you might enjoy a visit to his online store  the Used Stamp Collector here.


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