cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Thursday, January 27, 2022

 Hello, Today let’s look at a couple of stamps from the George VI period from Kenya Uganda and Tanganyika. 

This is one of the 1938 pictorial definitives. A very interesting  group of stamps with issues from 1938 through to 1954.   There are perforation varieties to keep you checking your copies for hours and  even longer to find those missing perforations.  And, some interesting varieties to collect as well.  This 50c stamp is one example.  The first  image shows a used copy and as I say there are a few perforation varieties. 

The second copy shows a different perf but also with the “dot removed” variety from a 1950 printing.  If you look just to the left of the letter K in Kenya in both stamps you will see the dot I am referring to is not there in the second stamp.

This 50c issue had quite a few printings. Using a Stanley Gibbons British Empire Stamps 1840 to 1970 catalogue you will also find there are 4 different shades listed. Actually 7 stamps to the SG 144 listing, well 8 if you include a watermark inverted copy which is catalogued at £5000 used in the 2021 edition.  So lets say we just try to keep our collection to the 7 stamps!

Enjoy your stamps and all they bring us.         Michael

and  with thanks to my friend at  British Commonwealth Album  here   -  and you might enjoy a visit to his online store  the Used Stamp Collector here.


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