cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Hello again, Yes we will move on from Jamaica and look at a few stamps from KUT, Kenya Uganda and Tanganyika.   

The history for these countries makes for what I think is a very interesting collecting area.   The postal administrations of the three  were amalgamated on January 1st 1933. and stamps issued until 1976 when the postal union was dissolved and each territory issued separate stamps. I won’t write anymore  but recommend this short read from the Stanley Gibbons page if you want to learn more.

The first stamps were issued in 1935, the George V pictorial definitives, and a few weeks later the Silver Jubilee issue.

The above shows the dhow and is a stamp always worth checking if you have a copy.   there is a printing variety where the rope of the dhow is joined to the sail  and also, and far more importantly, a perf variety which commands considerable sums both mint and used.  

Enjoy your stamps and all they bring us.         Michael

and  with thanks to my friend at  British Commonwealth Album  here   -  and you might enjoy a visit to his online store  the Used Stamp Collector here.


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