cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Hello, something different. I would like to talk about the Philatelic Register - for your information. But first a question. Drop me a line at if you have  thoughts

What stamp magazines do you read?  Why do you read that one, or them if many, and not others?   


A couple of reasons for asking.  I received an email which copied me on a promotion from the Stamp Collector - all very nice and interesting until I read the costs involved for taking out advertising space.  Obviously manageable for many I guess.  I am sure the people running these magazines and their philatelic initiatives  - some of which seem very good by the way - have high overheads and operating circumstances  which are also sadly  impacted by Covid,  but it crossed my mind, are they really only just  thinking of the “top of the line” dealers?


That  to led me to introducing the Philatelic Register to you.    Do you subscribe?  In my humble opinion it is well worth subscribing.  And, it is free.  No catches.    Subscribe for free here.    This twice monthly publication is by an IPDA member so quality is guarenteed.   


It is a breath of fresh air in my view.  It is already a success even after just a few issues.  This judging by the number of subscribers it already has and the dealers who are showing their businesses.  


The articles cover aspects of philately and related fields of interest including postal history, postal stationery, postcards, ephemera. They are extremely interesting, and I have every confidence they will continue to be.


And that is not all – the - the accompanying selling platform for online stamp stores is what the philatelic community has needed for a long time. A site where only accredited sellers can open a store – and again for free - and the quality of the material being listed is monitored.


As you might expect from a site which only allows accredited sellers, the quality of the material is high. This gives collectors the opportunity to buy quality with confidence. More importantly, in many dealers minds, this gives  collectors a chance to browse material without having to spend  time scrolling through pages of  - how shall I put this politely -  let’s just say poor quality stamps.  You all know what I mean. 


The Philatelic Register and the Philatelic really are a breath of fresh air in this internet age. Give them a try. One sure way to  get as a collector and deliver as a seller quality from internet philately philately. And as a seller you can advertise quality and frequency of advertising to a growing audience at a very reasonable cost.  A breath of fresh air!

  Best wishes  Michael  

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