cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, May 28, 2021

Hello,  welcome to the weekend.   What a busy week it has been.  Some philatelic activities and some just..... well doing what one does.   Sorted a lot of stamps to try to get the inventory back up in the store.

Here is one we think GB collectors might like.  A new 2021 Security Machin.  We have a few received this week from our source in the UK.

and we found some New Zealand stamps -  some officials and this rather nice Sheetlet.  Should be in the store in a few days.

Finally,  another  we listed just because it was there.  and there are a few like this     Fiscal used George V stamp  SG 370  ( Die II)  .  used for payment of  some bill  or whatever..    perhaps of interest to a postal history collection   with date 1925.   Rather nice oddity perhaps.

Have a lovely philatelic weekend   Michael -  visit our store for the USA Memorial Day weekend Specials here 

Friday, May 21, 2021

Hello,    just finished loading some more Trinidad and Tobago to the online store.   Some  nice stamps we think and with some of the more difficult to find, including for example a few perf varieties and glazed papers.   If you have time this weekend we would be most pleased to see you in the store.

This shown is the 1972 issue, SG 353a  perf 14.    Scott doe snot list this perf as far as I can tell but I am happy to be corrected   Scott normal perf is SC# 158.   One thing to note for new visitors we do our best to show both front and reverse of the stamps so you can buy - if you wish - with confidence.

Have a brilliant weekend   michael

Friday, May 07, 2021

Hello,  another weekend is here.  I have no idea  how or why time goes by so fast.  Perhaps enjoying time with stamps helps.

 These past weeks we have been adding to the online store.  

What do you  collect?    maybe Australia?    just by example we really like these.

Have a wonderful, safe, happy and philatelic weekend.

Michael cddstamps 

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