cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Monday, March 08, 2021


We are working to list some of our Bahrain stock into the online store. I came across this and thought  how lovely it is.  A really  interesting stamp.  One of the 1938- 41 George VI series.


Some background. Bahrain was under British protection from 1861-1971 and used a variety of stamps: Indian stamps from 1884 to 1933, overprinted Indian issues 1933-48, overprinted British issues 1948-60 and its own designs from 1960. 


A nice issue with some expensive stamps in the issue.   If this and more from Bahrain interests you please visit our online store in the coming week when we expect to have  some stock listed.


  Enjoy your stamps.  Michael   our online store is here  

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