cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Hello, what a shambles the world is in .. I managed to have a lovely holiday recently, Panglao Island in Bohol, look it up, stunning place.....then tried to fly to Sydney Australia, but made (in hindsight a very wise decision) to offload myself at the last moment because of the c-virus lockdown in Manila, right as I was waiting to board the flight. All too stressful so now I am back home, with my stamps and I will be with my stamps for the next 11 days ... I am doing a self imposed quarantine, well actually the local government have asked all travelers into the state to do that so I am doing the right thing.

So back to stamps and what is one of the first things I see. yes this. Sad, so sad. It is up for auction, starting at 1c (USD) plus $3.90 postage. Are you laughing. You should be, or better still crying. It is stupidity, ignorance, call it what you will, like this that is going to kill any respect collectors have for sellers. Apart from the fact the stamp has two clear areas of damage it was not even described properly, other than "Queen Great Britain". Obviously an experienced seller, NOT!

Enjoy your collecting and if you want quality, at sensible prices, with stamps accurately described then please consider us at cddstamps. I think our nearly 17,000 feedbacks speaks for itself.

No more rambling on about this sad side to the hobby, I am going to do a series on Gibraltar over the coming 11 days. I look forward to seeing you and hope you enjoy it.

Have a safe and great weekend. Michael


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