cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, February 05, 2020

I have given some thought about writing this because some might think it a bit presumptuous of me. - I apologise if you think that, it is not meant that way at all. I just think it worth pointing out. I was listing some stamps for sale in the online shop. I thought I would see what other sellers were pricing the same stamps at. My price was competitive overall but a few undercut me rather a lot. Then I checked Shipping for those sellers. I got a bit of a shock: so high and with 10c, 15c, 25c and even 50c for an extra stamp in the order. My price was very competitive when I read those shipping charges.

But it is not only about $ is it? It is about sense, isn't it!! Common sense, and up front openness in the first place. A recent customer bought 67 stamps. What a shock they would have got if they saw on check out, because they had not checked shipping, that they had another $33 to pay for shipping. That will never happen with cddstamps: fair asking price, one shipping charge, and free shipping on orders over $35. We look forward to welcoming new customers to cddstamps and from now until February 14th we are giving away a free pair of cddstamps tongs with every order. - your Valentine gift from us for enjoying cddstamps.


At 12:45 AM, Blogger GamesWeekly said...

Many Thanks gamesweekly


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