cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Hello, I hope everyone is well. In corona virus lock down no doubt. Stay safe and enjoy your stamps.

here is Gibraltar Part IV

The first “commemorative” pictorial Gibraltar stamp was the George V 1931 issue showing the Rock of Gibraltar. In 4 values of 1d scarlet, 1½d red-brown, 2d pale grey and 3d blue. This is always a set to double check because there are two printings, one perf 14 and the other perf 13½ x 14 which has a significantly higher catalogue value.

One point I think worth noting here for sellers (and buyers) is that when listing this issue one really does have to recognized quality in the listing description. There is so much rubbish listed, let’s be up front about this. So many with poor colour, with terrible centering, with pulled perfs. I know this applies to all stamps we list but from my research for this piece I was rather shocked at the terrible quality that exists for this issue.

The usual commemoratives, as found for most British Commonwealth countries, were issued by Gibraltar including the 1935 Silver Jubilee issue, the 1937, Coronation issue, the Victory (1946), Royal Silver Wedding ( 1948) and the Universal Postal Union ( 1949) issues.



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