cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, May 25, 2018

Hello, A week ago I wrote about the difference in the ribbon at the back of the Queens’ head on the 2006 Great Britain Regional issue, SG EN6. There being two types. Type I with the ribbon appearing as two distinct strands and Type II where the ribbon is solid and more joined to the head.

I was asked if there were other examples. Now I am back from vacation I have time to show you one more. And this one is well worth looking out for I think.

It is on the 44p value from the same 2006 Regional issue. Easy to miss this but perhaps rewarding to look for. SG Concise (2017) lists SG EN11 at £1.50, this is the Type II issue and EN11b, the Type I, at £50. Now that is worth checking for perhaps?.

I edited the lighting on the close up image in the hope you can better see the difference if you do not have a catalogue for reference.

There is one other example in this Regional issue with the two Types, that is the 72p value.

Enjoy your stamps… Michael

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Hello, once again I am reminded how useful it is to have a catalogue. I know some disagree with me but hey, as long as you are enjoying your stamps that is ok as well I guess.

Take these two stamps. The same right? Wrong.

They are from the Regional issues for England from the 2003 – 2006. The left stamp is SG EN6 (Scott 6) issued from 2003 and has a catalogue value of £0.60. The right stamp is SG EN6b (not listed in Scott as far as I can see) issued in 2006 and has a catalogue value of £5.50. Catalogue values aside wouldn’t it be nice to know you have both in your collection. Or looking at it another way, wouldn’t it be nice to know you are no swapping / trading the higher catalogued one. Just a thought.

Here is the difference as I scan the stamps. You can see more in the SG Catalogue which describes the difference in the ribbon at the back of the Queens’ head.

Enjoy your stamps Michael

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Hello again. I was sorting some Regional Great Britain stamps this afternoon and decided to have a look at them under the UV light. I found this difference for the 1999 - 2000 Scottish Lion 1st Class issue. My Specialised SG catalogue only has a 2 phosphor band issue mentioned SG S95. These have never been an area I have been knowledgeable of and I realise I do not have another more detailed catalogue. Can anyone tell me the SG catalogue reference for the non phosphor (it looks non phosphor) copy. I checked Scott and they do not have it either. Or am I being confused and missing something obvious and embarassing myself completely :-) I welcome comments. Michael enjoy discovering new things with your stamps.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Hello, it has been a while since I wrote. Time goes by so quickly. I have been working with stamps quite a bit over the past weeks but just realized it was two weeks ago since I wrote. Then today I had an email exchange with one of our customers who remarked that he saw the GB Security Machins he bought from cddstamps were still on paper. Cut nice and tidy around the stamps I should add.

There was a question about removing them from the paper.

This topic comes up frequently on various stamp groups I read and I have commented before, but for new readers, or even as a reminder to others, I will say and never waver from saying – do not try to remove self adhesive gummed stamps from the envelope paper and in particular GB Security Machins.

Why? you may ask, when so many people have found all sorts of chemicals and ways to remove them.

Well to start with I am not in agreement with using chemical on stamps to remove them from the envelope or backing paper. It seems particularly popular in the US to do this. Why?, is beyond me and perhaps if you have a few stamps then you have the time. But if you have hundreds or more then why spend all that time.

Second, and in particular with respect to GB Security Machins, why risk damaging the stamp. The Security Machins were designed with security tabs that might come away when they tried to be removed. Sure it can be done. I tried it on one damaged stamp I was going to throw in the bin to see the result (using lighter fluid) it basically works except you still have the gum on the stamp and then what do you do. Oh yes, great idea as some people say, use talcum powder. Oh great, to have that mess in your album, and even further risk of damage.

And thirdly, and this is linked to damaging the stamp, especially a GB Security Machin, you won’t know you have, or are damaging the stamp until you have started whatever chemical concoction you are trying. Derrgghhh a nice stamp ruined . I dread the idea a collector buying a lovely copy of, say for example, U2931, the no source code with date code £1 Magenta stamp (as shown) and then trying to remove it from the backing paper. SG catalogue at £7.75 and a lovely stamp like that ruined, or with gum still tacky and then covered in talcum power. Please no, I will be having bad dreams now.:-)

Yes I know, the stamp is yours and you can do what you want with it. It is your choice after all and if you are happy that you are treating the stamp carefully and not doing any damage to it, well that is your right to think that. Hey! there is no qualification for stupidity is there! :-)

Oh yes, and some self adhesive gums do not come away from the backing paper after being soaked in lighter fluid. But that is another story.

Finally, if you still won’t believe me, please read the Stanley Gibbons Catalogue – it says and I quote – “because the self adhesive stamps do not include a water soluble layer of gum we recommend that used stamps are retained on their backing paper and trimmed with a uniform border of 1 – 2 mm around all sides, taking care not to cut into the perforations”

What more can I say. OK Come and look at the 400 Security Machins in our store. Enjoy seeing them and knowing with confidence they have not been treated with some chemical concoction and, as they are presented, they could be a lovely addition to your collection.

Enjoy your stamps and please look after them!

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