cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, March 16, 2018

Hello, a change of topic today. I thought you might enjoy seeing this miniature sheet, especially for those collectors who like large stamps, as this certainly is. It was issued in 2016 to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the first stamps issued for the Republic of the Philippines, and for National Stamp Collecting month.

It shows the images of the three stamps that were issued in 1946 for the inauguration the what was termed the Third Philippine Republic. I show the 12c stamp (the other two stamps were the 2c and 6c values) so you can better see the actual 1946 design.

On July 4, 1946, the governments of the Republic of the Philippines and the United States signed the Treaty of Manila of 1946 which provided for the recognition of the independence of the Republic of the Philippines and the relinquishment of American sovereignty over the Philippine Islands.

The stamps were engraved by the United States Bureau of Engraving and Printing. They show a Filipino woman in native dress with a crown of laurel and holding in her hands the Philippine Flag. In the background were the flags of all the nations. The stamps, therefore, not only symbolised the independence of the Philippines but also heralded her new role in the great family of the nations.

As an aside, in 1946 the Manila Central Post Office, which I have written about before, was re-built after World War II.

Enjoy your stamps... Michael

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Hello, one new stamp, one of 5 new Machins actually to be issued on 20th March.

This to let you know we are leaving for the UK in 5 days and all orders from our cddstamps online store will be mailed from the UK. So you will get VERY fast delivery if you are in the UK and much faster delivery for US, Canada and Europe. I think even Australian / NZ customers will get faster delivery.

AND if you collect GB we will be using the new rate Machins or RAF commemoratives (also to be issued on 20th March) on the letters.

AND we will be getting the stamps hand franked. Hopefully ensuring some nice stamps on your letters and not the scribbled pen cancels we so often see these days from Royal Mail. Hope to see a rush of orders before we leave :-) if you want Machins rather than RAf commemoratives (or visa versa) on your letters, just email me before we leave at

Perhaps you can fill a few gaps in your collection from us at

Best wishes, enjoy your stamps, and especially our online store. Michael cddstamps

Friday, March 09, 2018

Hello, I was in Manila these past few days and one "must do" was visit the Central Post Office. Apart from going there to get some stamps I also met a lovely man, a fellow collector. We both liked this beautiful sheet and I thought perhaps you would enjoy seeing it as well. It shows the evolution of the Jeep to todays modern version you see all over the Philippines. The four stamps in the issue show, left to right in a strip se-tenant are, the 1943 Willy Jeep, then the 1945 transformed Jeep, then the decorated Jeepney as it became known, and the fourth stamp shows what is called the modern jumbo Jeepney. The Jeepney was originally made from US military jeeps left over from World War II. As American troops began to leave the Philippines at the end of World War II, hundreds of surplus Jeeps were sold or given to local Filipinos. Locals stripped down the Jeeps to accommodate several passengers, added metal roofs for shade, and decorated the vehicles with vibrant colors and bright chrome hood ornaments. The word Jeepney is usually believed to come from the words "jeep" and "knee" because of the crowded seating, passengers must sit knee to knee. Hence, the word Jeepney. The stamps were issued in 2017. Rather nice to have in my collection, and for anyone wanting some, well the first 4 emails only, just email me at I can send four letters as I got an extra sheet. Best wishes enjoy your stamps Michael

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