cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, January 29, 2016

Hello, Friday night, TGIF. Some time for stamps and I am starting  to work on some Montserrat stock.  I thought you might enjoy seeing this.  SG 1.

From the first issue in 1876. It was a stamp of Antigua overprinted with Montserrat. This copy is Mint but hinged at least twice and under light on the reverse I can see a small crease across one top corner

Still,  the cat from my 2013 SG Commonwealth catalogue is £26.   Will be in my shop - check here before too long along with more QV, GV,  EDW VII, GVI and QE II material.

If this British Commonwealth country is something you collect please have a look - but give me time to get them listed! Some of this early Montserrat material has very good catalogue value and I will be setting some good bargains here I am quite sure.

Have a great philatelic weekend.



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