cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Hello, How was your Christmas? Time for stamps? I doubt it, if you were as busy as me. Tonight, just a few minutes free, so thought I would show this - SG 528 with a GB catalgue value of £15 - as a promo to what you can expect as new listings in my Bidstart Store in 2015. I picked up some of my GB Stock from Australia while there a few days ago and will be listing this and much more over the coming weeks and months. Plenty of really nice early QEII, lots of GV and GVI and a useful selection of QV and Edward VII. All this stock was previously listed on my old website. I had hoped to move it to the newly designed website but that was not to be when the clowns that rebuilt it for me completed the work. So I am looking forward to 2015. It promises to be a great year. I hope some of that is philatelic related, I know much of it will be for much more personal reasons and I am really looking forward to that. Hope same holds true for all my readers. Best wishes ... Michael

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Hello, Thank you for visiting the blog. My best wishes to everyone for the Holiday Season and with only a few days left to shop for stamps for yourself for Christmas why not enjoy viewing my listings. Treat yourself, fill a few gaps in your collection from my 11300 listings, even after recent sales, (I think I must be doing something right) including Rhodesia, Southern and Northern Rhodesian and Rhodesia and Nyasaland and some excellent QV Hong Kong and clean GB Edward VII with some nice postal cancels. I have even updated the Bidstart Sales Table of Content - See the Bidstart Sales menu item. This should make it easy for you to find what you are looking for. Anyway, I hope you enjoy seeing the stamps and can fill a few gaps in your collections, and, I hope you will get my customer Christmas present. Many customer have it now. My Customer Christmas present is included free with every order of $15 US or more excluding postage. I do hope you are able to find stamps in my stock to fill a few gaps in your collection so you can get a pair with your order. Close to $15, ok so I will include a pair. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone Michael

Monday, December 08, 2014

Hello, yes am back again and I hope you like these. I just loaded some nice quality Australia to my Bidstart Store. Priced for a Christmas present to you. Of course, as I hope you also know, you can get my cddstamps tweezers for free as a Christmas present for yourself if you spend $15, or close to, excluding postage. Lots of customers have bought and got a few pairs so I think they must like them. I use them all the time and think they are really good. These two stamps are from the 1979 (SG 567, the $5 value) and the 1977 (Sg 567a the $10 value) Paintings issue. Some 35 plus years ago and in lovely condition. Check out all country listings here, not too many as I keep to a more specialised GB and Commonwealth selection with a good range and prices to meet your budget. More Christmas specials over coming days as I find time between parties :-) Best wishes Michael

Monday, December 01, 2014

Hello, and welcome to December. Christmas just 24 days away. What are you treating yourself to for Christmas? I got my presents, all stamps. They all arrived, and with being so busy I have not even opened them all yet. These I did open. I hope you enjoy seeing them.
The 1947 Air Mail issue. Lovely and in mint unhinged condition. A nice addition to my aviation collection. Not even touched by hand I might add, well by me anyway, as I use my tweezers. You can have a pair for free if you buy from my Bidstart Store before Christmas. My Christmas present to you. Please visit and enjoy. I have a very good selection from some 14 British Commonwealth countries and a reasonable selection for 15 others. Over 11300 listing to chose from. Treat yourself for Christmas and get a pair of my tweezers for free. Best wishes.. Michael

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