cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, August 29, 2009

no printer, no scanner

Here I am looking forward to showing you what I bought on eBay. I thought I was getting robbed and how glad I am that I was correct. Yes I am glad because I just had to buy to get the truth.. only a few bucks so well worth it if I can save others who know no better. Sadly I have no scanner or printer.. got home last night and the machine is dead. No idea why. Have to get a new one tomorrow.. I so want to share this "fraud" with you all. Wish there was something I could do to stop it.... but there is not and many people will not be reading my blogs or knowing any better and paying money to this guy.. oh it angers me....

such is life I guess.. but a lesson to pass on to other please. Please share in your clubs and wherever you can

Hope to have a scanner / printer tomorrow.

Best wishes, enjoy your stamps.. Michael

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Are we going mad.............

Yes... it seems some are.. I just saw this on an auction site... Yes it was advertised as a Cinderalla.. but there were 6 bids already on this.. why??

Oh, and a handful of similar other made up named countries ..... I just don't get it.. it is worth zilch.. surely??? if you want one print your own .. cost a few cents off your computer..surely ..... I shouldn't even be writing about this, should I.. It is not philatelic in my view... but some smart rs selling under stamps.. there should be a section (3F, perhaps) on that auction site for Fakes, Frauds and Fabrications..... (I know one supposed A380 related seller who is right up there... selling more fraudulent and ficticious material than you can imagine) .......and by the way, as the seller rightly says.....Eddie Murphy created Zamunda as a fictitious African nation and it was used in the film Coming to America. ....and then goes on to say .."Looking for other historic stamp reprints or recreations? Go to my eBay store and click on the Stamp Reprints" well at least they are telling the truth.. recreations .. love that word :-)

Back to real stamps soon :-) Hope you are not one of those that got conned........ Best wishes...Michael

Saturday, August 15, 2009

6 7 8 9

Hello, well I am back in Sydney for two days, the weekend :-) and time for some stamps.

I mailed a letter to myself a week ago.. this is the franking I got. Not Australia Post at its best.. but it is still quite collectable I think.

Not often you can get 4 nunbers right .. 6pm, 7th day of 8th month of (200) 9th year

and the over frank (don't you just love the post office either no frank or two) .. clearly shows 7 8 9.

well it amused me.

Hope everyone well.. sorry not posting much but being away Monday to Friday for work leaves me little time for stamp related activities.

Best wishes.. Michael

Sunday, August 09, 2009

John Dryden

His birthday today.. well back in 1631... really accomplished gentleman from what little I know, yet have I ever seens stamps commemorating him... not that I can recall.

something from a web site I was reading .. English poet and critic. He was a member of the "Royal Society" Born in 1631 he lived from 1657 in London. He read principally Descartes and Hobbes. With his comedies he is regarded as a founder of the "Comedy of Manners". With the satire Absalom and Achitophel" (1681) he opposed Shaftesbury in biblical disguise. Through his poetic innovations and witty essays he was instrumental in the evolution of English prose. He is regarded as one of the main representatives of English classicism, in whose work all artistic trends of the time are reflected.

for more, and I find this interesting, read

Sorry no stamps... anyone know of any stamps commemorating him.

have a great week.. Hope to get emails from you .. ...Michael

Saturday, August 08, 2009

my first stamps..............

well actually not my very first stamps but my first stamps with the Royal Mail Security printing.

old news but still, it has been a while since they were issued so I am surprised it has taken this long for me to see some in the regular mail. I get stamps from two people in the UK who keep stamps for me. One office and one home, and these are the first from what would have been a selection of 100 of the 1st and 2nd class stamps. Very rarely do I see commemoratives, but if you have been reading me for any length of time you know my views on that topic.

Anyway, hello, how is everyone:-) is anyone still reading I wonder, given I am only finding time to write at weekends.

Hope so :-) .. have a great weekend.. Enjoy your stamps.. Michael

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Happy Birthday...

even though I know my friend will not be reading :-) I will say happy birthday anyway. A birthday I cannot forget as it is shared with this wonderful women. I guess you all know who she was :-)

I am working out of town again.. but maybe a prize to the 1st correct answer to if you include your mailing address :-)

have a lovely day if today is also your birthday, and of course, enjoy your stamps


Sunday, August 02, 2009

Boats on stamps

Hello, Another week gone, sorry not written. Today this lovely set because I was at the Syndey International Boat show - yes, I now know how people feel when I show and talk about my interest in aircraft and aviation :-) Beautiful boats mind you, although I suspect that is like calling every aircraft a plane :-) (Sydney CBD in background looking across a boat packed Darling Harbour).

Hope to write again next weekend when back in Sydney. Best wishes Michael

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