cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Real genuine authentic honest relevant.............

Hello, not written for a few days.. again been busy. nearly end of May...where does time go?

I have been reading eBay, looking for some Fiji to fill a few gaps. Then I browsed the A38o stamp related material.. Oh my god. - I better be careful what I say, hadn't I - there is some "stuff" there. I am resigned to the fact that anyone can sell anything and whether it has any value or even close proximity relevance to what the topic is about, is irrelavant it seems....... get my point, read it again slowly.

So hey I listed a cover - yes a real flown first flight cover from a real inaugural flight with real and correctly dated post marks on it and really flown by me...... well some of the way :-) see 250428923355 then look at some of the others if you search A380 - Stamps. How else can I get the message across to all those poor bunnies out there who bid on this other "stuff". I won't write what I want to for fear I will be in court, but I have written to the seller with some probing questions. I cannot wait for the answers. If you are on my side I may share with you.

Hope you are enjoying your stamps and if you have any Fiji pre 1969 that you don't want, or want to trade for GB.. send me an email at

Best wishes.. Michael ........... what are you waiting for, ebay............. lot 250428923355


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