cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, April 26, 2008

A380 First Flight Covers....

Hello everyone. sorry not written much, been rather busy.. and travelling.. but hope you enjoy this. If you want a first flight cover you can get an unsigned one ( unsigned by crew or pilots that is as I will sign it) for USD $38 including postage and packing
Singapore London A380 First Flight Covers now available. I arrived back in Sydney this weekend to find my covers returned from UK where they were franked.
There are a selection of the three covers I produced available for you to see on my web site pleasae look at These are collectable and for the one with the 4 pilots signature there are only 4 and one stays in my collection. For the cabin crew signed covers there are 7 and again one stays in my collection.

If you want an unsigned (except I will of course sign it for you ) these are USD $38, inclusive of postage and packing and some photographs and a certificate of proof of being carried on the flight.

I need to sell a few of these to pay for the Singapore London trip and my planned Singapore - Narita flight in a few weeks (May 20th)

If you want to buy a cover please email me at First come first served basis.
Best wishes... enjoy your stamps.. and of course, first flight covers .... Michael.

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