Australia 1955
Hello. another week over. Friday night. Home alone for a change.... Stamp time.
Had dinner with some good friends last night and was given a bag full of stamps. Good world assortment which I will surely enjoy going through. When? I don't know. But I did find these. I do like the quality of the design. Maybe I am old and boring but to me that are generally much more interesting than most of the modern material.
In particular I like the 2/- stamp. Issued in 1955. So getting on in years but it
is superb. Well that is in my view. You may disagree. If you do you wont want it will you

Thought I'd offer it as a prize. Question: The stamp is based on an etching by a rather famous artist. An artist from a rather famous artistic family as it happens. The artist was in fact knighted for his services to Australian art in 1941. Who was he?
11th correct answer will win this. ( today is 11th here so seemed a good number)
Please don't forget to include your mailing address with your entry to
Have a great weekend. Enjoy your stamps............... Michael
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