de-prioritised ... Part II..and more...
Hello, well how pleased was I with the response to last nights question.. seems many of you (in the US) are also not too pleased to be losing your city postmarks.. and what surprised me was that even a state capital was losing its postmark..... that is Olympia in Washington State. As some of you have written to me, this seems to be a trend and a consolidation of the US postal service give the growing presence of the internet and the decline in the use of the postal mail. Times they are a changing!! who said that ??
Some more stamps tonight. I had many to chose from I must say. I just received my GB Royal Mail Beatles MS. You have seen that no doubt so am not showing it, and anyway I actually don't think highly of it to be honest.
What about these..

they are space fillers.. I have to say the quality is not too good and they are missing 2 stamps from the set issued. Scott 48 - 57 - many thanks to you who sent me those Scott CDs some time back.. I use them occasionally
Anyway I think they are interesting and maybe useful to someone? Write me at if you want them.. first email gets them..
Where did I get them you ask.. well from a guy I met at a speaking engagement in Kuala Lumpur a few months back. We sat next to each other at lunch and in conversation found out we both collected stamps. He sent me a rather large box of stamps to use as give aways and for my Children's Corner. I am very well stocked now. So if you know children who are starting to collect stamps and want some, don't hesitate to get them to write to me.. details on my web site at and I will send free stamps.
Lets encourage young collectors.. collectors young and old..
Finally, just a comment as to my plans to travel to India in a few weeks.. If it happens I will be in Hyderabad, Bangalore and Chennai.. and if anyone wants to say hello.. I would be thrilled to hear from you.. maybe we can arrange to meet.. small world that it is.
Oh... really finally.. don't forget my invite to write a piece for this blog with the GB GVI stamps I showed a few days ago as a prize.. if you haven't read that piece do go back a few days and have a read.. if for nothing else than what I think is a useful text on stamp quality.
Have a great weekend.. best wishes......... Michael
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