Hi.. here are the stamps from last night plus a copy of the stamps issued from regular sheets.. see the difference.. quite surprising me thinks.. have you seen M/S stamps different from the normal issue..?? do send me a scan if you have an example

want to chat about stamps, meet some stamp friends, make some new stamps friends???
The IPDA had a successful 24 hour marathon chat at the end of last month and we thought we'd do it again... for halloween.. all be it on 28th October.. and you have to be in costume :-)
have a look at our new blog for details.. everyone is welcome and we hope to chat to you... http://ipda-news.blogspot.com ... hey.. have a look at the blog anyway .. I am sure you will enjoy the stamp articles and there are some really interesting stamps to see AND,, if you look at the blog.. you can go straight to the chat room from there .. now how easy do we make it for you :-)
Best wishes.. enjoy your stamps... Michael
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