GB Block and IPDA and cddstamps.. what a busy life ....

hello, well if that subject matter didn't get your interest, what would I wonder .
Hope you like these stamps.. lovely block dont you think, and since that are on a firm cardboard they are in lovely condition..
But what is this 15A marking.. anyone know :-)
I may find a nice GB, (or Australia if you prefer) cover for the 10th correct answer
Go on :-) email me at
and hey, have you read my web site recently.. or the previous writings of this blog.. :-) you should do.. there are some brilliant sale specials - to help me pay for my Christmas postage.. go on .. before the price goes up when I list on an auction site.
and finally.. a new blog.. for the IPDA ( Internet Philatelic Dealers Association) .. go on have a look as awell...
so much to read eh!!!!!!!!!!!!! but all about stamps so, so much to enjoy.........Michael
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