(Graet Britain) Royal Mail online postage

Hello, I mentioned sometime ago I would get some of the Royal Mail online postage when I was in England. I also promised to show you what it actually looked like. Rather than just do an envelope I decided to commemorate the IPDA 24 hour stamp marathon with a cover. Hope you like it. Not bad with an old computer and old printer, even though I say so myself.
I made 6 of these. and mailed them to myself - see the red sorting office cancvellation marks. Very limited edition. I sold one by auction ( I wrote about this last week while I was in England) and have given two away.
I will sell one more through auction only on this and my cddstamps on stamps blogs, and, as with the first one, the funds with go into general revenue for the IPDA. I expect we will use the proceeds towards more advertising as that is one way we can spread the word about the Association.
So be generous please. Send me an email to cddstamps@gmail.com with the bid you would like to make. As I say, the money goes to a very worthy cause. I'll include a lovely set of a recent Australia issue on the envelope I mail this in. Oh, and I have signed and numbered the back of the cover. Will keep this open until the end of the week and I reserve the right to set a minimum bid.. seems fair ok.
Tomorrow I will write about the new GB Royal Mail Christmas stamps. I saw pictures of them today. They look pretty nice I think. Have you seen the Christmas issue from your country yet. Please send me a scan and I'll show everyone else. And don't forget Christmas might sound a long way away but I think it is only about 10 weeks away. Scary eh.
Are you on my Christmas card list.. bid high for this cover and you could well get on it and if you have not had one of my Christmas cards I think you will enjoy this years.
Enjoy your stamps.... Michael
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