Hello, well tonight, after spending quite a few hours sorting some Australia and world mix from boxes I have accumulated over the years, I am ready to start offering some lots for sale on the auction sites.
Reason???. well Christmas is coming and I have a high postage bill so would like to offset it a little.. hey you could get on my Christmas card list .... if you have seen one of my Christmas Cards you know what I am talking about.... anyway..........
before I do sell some mixes at auction...... and don't think this BS..... I am very genuine here.. I am going to first make an offer to you, my readers. If I get no takers in 48 hours I will just list on an auction site..
I have 4 packets already made up.. 250 Australia mixed, old to current, definitives to commemoratives; some pre-decimal although most post decimal.... probably some duplicates but not a lot, no heavy cancells ( I took then out and binned them) , no damaged as far as I can tell, I removed them as well, all close clipped so you dont pay postage for wasted paper.. I packed to weigh in at minimum postage and this includes two GB FDC from 1979/80 with official postmarks and in brilliant condition and with cat value of no less that 4 GB pounds.
So I am asking US 6.00 for a packet and that includes your postage. That is just over 2c a stamp plus you get minimum of US7.50 cat pricing value worth of FDC for free. And I will get the stamps used on the envelope hand stamped and they will be nice stamps...
one of the covers that is included is this one..

So if you want a packet.. or more ( I can make up another 4 I think) email me at cddstamps@gmail within the next 48 hours... and I will tell you how to pay.. or if you already know,, just deposit funds to my paypal account and I will mail the stamps and FDCs to you right away.
As for other stamp news.. well there is so much going on....... I wonder how much you read about on various stamp club boards.. one good one I read these days is at PhilatelicMadnessSyndrome@yahoogroups.com This guy ( and I have no idea who he is by the way, well I dont think I do and will be somewhat embarassed if I should know him ) is writing some really interesting and topical and current news about stamps..
check it out ... he writes what I wish I had the time to know and write about.
Oh ... wanted to tell you.. you know I collect GB GV Downey Heads.. there is a really nice scan of one at AKPhilately.. have a look.. you will need to scroll down a few pages ..
Have a great weekend.. enjoy your stamps... Michael
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