cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Hello,  I do hope you enjoy seeing this pre-paid envelope. Something a bit different. Found along with many others while sorting our Australia stock today.

Issued in 1995 as one of a Bird series, it shows a Palm Cockatoo. It is listed in the Seven Seas Australian Stamp Catalogue as E340.

This leads me to promote cddstamps Australia sale, including this lovely envelope. and more as we get time to load over the coming days. 

For the month of November we are doing 20% off all Australia stock.  Great chance to fill some gaps, pick up some perf varieties, some imperfs from booklets, or just a few to improve your collection.  And if you order before 14th November we will be mailing orders from Hong Kong as we will be visiting the stamp arcade there that coming weekend.   Perhaps help to get some nice Hong Kong stamps and hopefully a much faster delivery of your order.

Treat yourself for Christmas....  which I see is only 46 days away..  will be here in a flash :-)

have a philatelic day   Michael and our store at


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