cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

In response to the last piece I wrote someone commented about how important it was to see the reverse of a stamp to ensure there was no rust (or “foxing”  or “toning” as some call it) when considering stamp quality. Some people also distinguish a difference between these but I will, for simplicity, just think of them all as rust spots on stamps.    

So a very simplified piece on rust. I hope the following is useful and the image shows clearly. As I said, this is a very simplified view and I recommend searching reputable philatelic sites and forums for more information.  For simplicity I will only use the word rust.

Rust is what it says it is, brownish rust like stains.  Rust can happen for various reason, but mostly because of dampness of some sort – climate dampness where stamps are not stored in a dry humidity or dampness from say perspiration from hands  / fingers when handling stamps. The type of paper, the chemical used in the stamp making process, for example with the gum, and the type of paper in the stock book. - all can be contributing factors to rust appearing if the stamps are not stored correctly.  

Again I recommend reading more if you need to learn more about storing and handling stamps.
Age of the stamp / stock album can also be a factor but we have stock books from 30 years ago with no signs of rust, yet one in which we found rust appearing in and the stock was only put into it 10 years ago. We moved all the stamps I might add and threw away any that had the slightest sign of rust because rust can spread if it is because of a mold or fungus which can be caused by some form of dampness.

I realise as I write that I need to write more, the more I say the more that needs to be said but I hope this simplified view and the images give you some insight into this aspect of stamp condition.

Keep your stamps from damps :-)  is my mantra    Enjoy your collecting     

AND, how important it is to use stamp tweezers when handling stamps. VERY IMPORTANT.   want a new pair, want a pair of cddstamps tweezers.  

A free pair will be yours - Visit our online store here and if you place an order -  any value no minimum spend  - between now and the 30th September and send me an email to  or send a  contact seller message  saying you read this promotion on the cddstamps blog  then you will get a free pair of cddstamps tweezers with your order.  And your order will be mail from the UK after 12th October for faster delivery we hope, and with, as best we can get, nice GB stamps  



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