cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, August 18, 2017


Hello, We had feedback that because so many visitors to Hipstamp, and hopefully our store, cddstamps,  use Scott numbering, then we should use Scott. With over 30,000 items in stock listed with SG numbers it really is not possible to change and since Hipstamp only allows us to use one catalogue reference we will stay with SG 

However, listening to our customers we are trying something else; this past week we have loaded a few more stamps to our store. AND used Scott catalogue numbers in the Description Field - so, for example, if you are looking for say PNG Scott 198 (which is also found typing SG71 in the search field) you will find it - well you should do !!!!    If you like teh stamps above then this is where to find them .....   Left SG 70 and Right SG 71.. or  Scott 197 and 198

So far we have some 200 lots listed - GB and Papua New Guinea (PNG). AND we also added the word SPECIAL in the Description field. so perhaps you can try searching by Scott number or SPECIAL in the SEARCH KEYWORDS box on our home page, 

All feedback welcome of course. If this helps search by Scott we will continue adding Scott numbering (where we can)

Perhaps make this a special philatelic weekend :- by visiting our store  and fill a few more gaps in your collection at special prices :-) 

Best wishes Michael


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