cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, October 06, 2017

Hello, continuing with the GB Machin SG 2124 theme. But first, thanks for providing likes to last nights piece. It does help me know what collectors enjoy reading and therefore what to write about.
Tonight, how to tell the difference between a Questa and De La Rue printing.
I mentioned yesterday that one of the stamps I showed was printed by both De La Rue and Questa. Here are three copies now and an enlargement of the top of the crown of the right two stamps.
I hope you can see that on the right stamp the top of the crown is touching the margin perf while on the left stamp there is a noticeable gap. The right stamp is a Questa printing and the left stamp is the De La Rue printing. It is that easy, and, I should add, this difference is distinguishable with a reasonably good magnifying glass.
Enjoy your Machins
Michael visit our online store and get yourself a few more Machins: fill a few gaps in your collection from the 2500+ plus that we have for you to choose from. Especially clean stamps - well a few maybe heavier postmarks, but no creases tears, missing perfs like we see in so many other stores - just being honest with you. Go for our quality. Just try us once and I think you will be a repeat customer. These three will be loaded over the coming days. Thanks Michael


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