cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Sunday, October 08, 2017

 A change of topic tonight.  I hope you enjoy seeing this cover.

The Great River Road is a collection of state and local roads that follow the course of the Mississippi River through ten states of the United States. It formerly extended north into Canada serving the provinces of Ontario and Manitoba.

The term "Great River Road" refers both to a series of roadways and to a larger region inside the US and in each state, used for tourism and historic purposes. Some states have designated or identified regions of state interest along the road and use the roads to encompass those regions.

The Cover say “the longest parkway in the world, 5600 scenic miles from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico” .
Anyone know the reason for this issue. I cannot find a date that would commemorate this issue date of 1966?. 

 Enjoy your stamps   and all we can learn from them.    Michael


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